We spent a wonderful week of Thanksgiving in Naples, Fl. Belle felt the sand for the first time and loved it. She also loved the pool and getting beat by the waves in the ocean-salt water did not bother her one bit! She is developing so well except for her speech. Please be praying for her surgery this coming Friday, Dec. 16 at Vanderbilt. They will be doing tubes (and can hopefully get one in her small ear) and doing an ABR test to see if she can hear. Right now-the fluid is blocking her from hearing thus delaying her speech. We are hopeful that this is all that it is but there is also a chance she could be partially deaf. I hate that I have waited so long to update the blog! I hope to capture her first steps soon on here-she just started last week and she is a busy busy girl around the house AND eating like a horse these days!
The Pereira clan soaking in the rays! |
Luke is an amazing older brother-he truly loves her!
Meeting Aunt Maggie and Uncle Carl for the first time!
Mama with her 2 baby girls! She loves the water!
All girl-accesorizing already!
The lifesize gingerbread house at the Ritz!
You can count on my prayers!