It's Official!

It's Official!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We are almost home!

Here's our flight info...

Wed. july 13 United #850
depart beijing at 4:10 pm and arrive chicago at 4:03 pm
depart chicago at 7 pm (flight # 6078)

Arrive nashville at 8:38 pm on Wed July 13th!!!!!

Please pray specifically for our over 20 hours of travel home. We start off with a long in-country flight from Guangzhou to Beijing. Pray that we would have patience with one another, with baby Belle, the airlines, customs, potential delays and lines. Pray she would sleep some on the flight and that our backs would stay strong.

Thankfully, this has been a reminder to both of us that we travel well together, enjoy similar things, like the same pace, and try to be a team. I am thankful for the ways that being together for 2 solid weeks has built us, grown us, and forced us to communicate with more clarity.

We are off to a local chinese market right now. Then back to room for her nap and to begin packing! We should get her visa this afternoon. She is taking a nap on my chest right now as I type with one hand! Forgive the run on sentences and errors as I don't have time to edit! Eloise made a stretchy wrap sling that i wear and it comes in handy. Tim likes the Baby Bjorn. We are going to leave the stroller here as she can't quite sit up in it yet-we have one at home too!

She has made so much progress in the days we have had her! Rolling over, smiling, reaching! We love spending hours playing with her on the bed. It has been so good to attach without the distractions of home and other kids. We really think she is going to love the craziness of her 3 brothers and sister( and all you fun friends!)

Carissa and Tim

1 comment:

  1. Cannot wait to welcome Belle to the good ole US of A!!! Woo hoo hoooo!!!! Will be praying for all of you! Last stretch!
