It's Official!

It's Official!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekend photos

Not sure if I'll like this...

I love this pool!

Daddy and Belle

Japanese dinner at our hotel bar :)

Belles name in ink block

Pereira in Chinese

She likes the action seat

I love this position

My new outfit

Quick photo in the lobby


  1. Charles and I are following your journey and are so very excited for you all!

  2. Congratulations a million times over on having Beautiful Belle ;) in your arms and family forever. I came across this great page and would like to share it with you. It promotes bonding regardless of age. I thought some points would be very useful for you like how to carry her and bottle feed her to promote bonding (given that she's still so little). I can't wait to see how Belle blossoms. She is so so so gorgeous. Much love to you.

    Luciana Sampaio Rodriguez
